速報APP / 健康塑身 / Recipes slow cooker. Recipes from the ph

Recipes slow cooker. Recipes from the ph





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Recipes slow cooker. Recipes from the photo.(圖1)-速報App

Recipes slow cooker. Recipes from the photo.

Do you have a multivarker, but do not you know that it is possible to cook delicious dishes in addition to the dishes in the accompanying brochure with recipes? Our application will be your assistant.

Recipes of dishes for multivarkers with step-by-step photos: potatoes, porridges, meat, chicken, soups, pilaf, vegetables, bread and pies, cakes and muffins, curd dishes - we have recipes for every taste! Recipes in multivariate recipes with photo. With our application, you will be able to see the numerous recipes for multivarieties from a variety of products. Choose for yourself and your loved ones the perfect menu for every day. We will tell you everything about delicious recipes, classic recipes, homemade recipes.

All recipes are conveniently divided into categories and groups such as:

recipes slow cooker

recipes in a multivark with a photo

recipes for multivarkers

porridge in a multivariate

multivark redmond

recipes for multivarkers,

recipes for multivarkers with photos,

step-by-step photo recipes

multicolor polaris

chicken in a multivariate

potato in the multivariate

baking in a multivariate

pie in the multivariate

we prepare in multivark

soup in the multivariate

pilaf in the multivark

Recipes slow cooker. Recipes from the photo.(圖2)-速報App



recipe dish

dishes in the multivariate

what to cook in a multivark

chicken in a multivariate

cottage cheese casserole in a multivariate

charlotte in multivark

potato in the multivariate

apples in a multivariate

meat in the multivariate

cake in the multivark

delicious recipes

simple recipes

recipes step by step

step-by-step recipes

recipes with photos

salad recipes

homemade recipes

recipes of cakes

Recipes slow cooker. Recipes from the photo.(圖3)-速報App

recipes with photos step by step

recipes of soups

recipe test

test recipe

classic recipe

cooking recipes

recipes pies

cakes recipes with photos

dish recipes

cookie recipe

delicious recipes with photo

homemade recipes with photos

recipe for chicken

simple and delicious recipes

simple recipes with photos

Recipes for Panasonic

Recipes for Philips

Recipes for Vitesse

Recipes for Scarlett

Recipes for Polaris

Recipes slow cooker. Recipes from the photo.(圖4)-速報App

Recipes for Moulinex

Recipes for Vitek

Cook with pleasure and a pleasant appetite!

Recipes slow cooker. Recipes from the photo.(圖5)-速報App